Hi, welcome to my website and I hope you find a lot to pique your curiosity and fulfill your imagination! I’ve been a writer and cultural worker since the 1970s. I love doing readings of my work and hearing the work of other poets, novelists and playwrights. Please look around and see what I’ve been up to.

A 64-minute documentary about the life and legacy of Jewelle Gomez entitled JEWELLE: A Just Vision premiered at the 2022 Queer Women of Color Media Arts Project Film Festival. For more information, visit qwocmap.org.
GILDA is getting ready for her close up! Director Cheryl Dunye has purchased the rights to THE GILDA STORIES and is planning a multi-part series for television.
GILDA is now available as an eBook!!
And THE GILDA STORIES is in preparation for its debut as an audio book produced by Audible!
THE GILDA STORIES was originally published by the legendary Lesbian/Feminist press, Firebrand Books, and is enjoying its 25th anniversary edition published by City Lights Books. It’s available at www.citylights.com. I’m busy with a new GILDA novel with the temporary title: GILDA—THE ALTERNATE DECADES. See more GILDA info here.

The first play in a trilogy I’m writing, Words and Music, WAITING FOR GIOVANNI, had a major success in its New York City premier in 2018 produced by The Other Side of Silence (TOSOS) at The Flea Theatre in TriBeCa. TOSOS will be doing a reading of the next play in the trilogy: LEAVING THE BLUES which had a sold out premier at New Conservatory Theatre Center. See the PLAYS section for press and a promo clip.